Saturday, 8 January 2011

So they say…

I’ve posted this video in honor of my father, who is celebrating his birthday today. Once upon a time, by way of a collection of open reel tapes and LP records, he introduced mini-me to a pair of really huge headphones, then to the three B’s: Beethoven, Brahms… and the Beatles! 

And Bach too for that matter. And even a little Tchaikovsky… Musical humorist Victor Borge could imitate them all, even as a child - but only to a single tune.

The fourth B - Bulgarian - I discovered on my own. Because it's one of those "guy gifts," here's a coffee mug for you, Dad: 4PD cup. It says (in Bulgarian) "Happy Birthday" and wishes you "much health, love, and luck!" Oh, and 'ti cherpish...'


  1. Thank you, thank you. Those are lovely memories, the open-reel tapes, the big headphones, the multiple B's, the lot! And thanks for the 4PD cup, too!

  2. Ha! When I commented before, I hadn't yet listened to the Borge. Another B to be remembered with love and affection!
